Author Archives: Kristin Shepherd
Happy, Merry … Love to the Yogis
Oh, this is a tricky time of year! And I’m so incorrect! I grew up with Christmas, so it’s what I know. Many/most in the world don’t celebrate. (I’m envious more often than not.) We put a real tree (cut… Continue reading
Putting the Yoga Back in Christmas
Christmas is a crazy-making time of year. For every lucky person who loves it (the turkey! the kids! the shopping! the religious whatever!) there is one who doesn’t (the elevated pressure to be jolly! the family! the cooking! the shopping!… Continue reading
Sing It To Me
Can we talk about chanting? At my regular yoga studio, we begin classes with an Om or three. We finish with an Om or three and then shanti, shanti, shanti. It was embarrassing the first time. By my second class I’d fallen… Continue reading
Yoga, A Love Story
One of the things that yoga teaches me is this lifelong trip with my body is a love story. Some days I struggle, some days practice is effortless, some days I laugh through it, some days discouragement is the… Continue reading
Beginning Again
I’ve just celebrated my one year anniversary with yoga. My classes at the studio began last October, and last December I started practicing at home so that I might not continue to die after every class.Neither the beginner’s crazy enthusiasm… Continue reading
Retreating Lessons
It seems to me we learn lessons all day, every day. With every yoga class, every home practice, every work day, every family gathering, I learn something more about my body, my frustrations, my desires, and my direction in life.Once… Continue reading
Meeting Place
f you’d asked me a year ago about yoga and my goals in practice, I would have talked about improvement. Hanging lower in forward bends, gaining strength everywhere, developing some kind of physical grace, and reversing the slumpiness I sense… Continue reading
Counting Crow
I’ve been working on Crow Pose. So many of you have mentioned loving Crow, hating it, hoping to master it, or dreading it, that I finally looked it up. That’s how new I am at all of this. Hands in… Continue reading
The other day I recommended yoga to a client, suspecting she’d benefit hugely from a regular practice. I suggested she go to a local studio with great teachers. Her response was to ask, "Do they laugh there? Because I really… Continue reading
Making Peace
I’ve made peace with Triangle Pose. This statement may not rock your universe, but my mouth is hanging open. I have not enjoyed Triangle Pose. No, no, it’s more than that. For a year, I have approached Triangle with… Continue reading