Author Archives: Kristin Shepherd
Not On My Mat
I mentioned during the summer that I’d be taking a Yin class this fall. I love the idea of sustained poses and a relaxed attitude toward form. I do Ashtanga yoga and pictured Yin as a lovely complement.So I mentioned… Continue reading
Yoga Where
There’s a game we play in the clinic that I’d love to play with you. Here it is: You can fly/swim/drive/hike/spaceship-travel/time-travel your way to anywhere, and do your favourite pose upon arrival. A photograph of you, in this pose, will… Continue reading
Monkey Business
I’ve just finished a workshop for actors and directors. It taught me something about my yoga practice.Actors are a wild bunch. Gathering them in a room to work on technique for three days is like locking monkeys in a grade… Continue reading
Celebrating One Year
Almost a year to the day that I reentered the yoga world, and two weeks after returning from an intensive meditation retreat, I sit with a coffee, at 4am, on my living room couch, dressed in my favourite clown-stripe pajamas,… Continue reading
Grounded Change
One month from today, I’m leaving my professional practice. I graduated as a chiropractor in 1989, hoping vaguely that I’d be helpful to people and that I’d have a good time doing it.What I underestimated was the degree to which… Continue reading
Paranormal Yoga
Something paranormal just happened. It’s on par with that girl in the Exorcist spinning her head around and making that awful sound that scares the hell out of me more than two decades later. It’s on par with alien abductions… Continue reading
Meditation Camp
Have you been to a meditation camp before? Having just returned from a five day version, I’d like to summarize the effects for you. This will come in handy if you decide to go yourself. It will also be useful… Continue reading
Leaving the Circus
“We usually don’t look, we overlook.”Alan WattsI’m off to a meditation camp this morning. It’s a good thing. There are days, like today, when I begin to overlook, when landing fully and immediately in the moment is something that only… Continue reading
Two Words
Here’s a business idea for someone. In my clinic, we talk some days about having only two words left to say in your life. Maybe your throat is closing permanently, maybe you suddenly find silence far more attractive than words,… Continue reading
Things I Learned Over My Summer Holidays
Holy Moly. I’ve just finished my first class in six weeks. I’ve been practicing almost daily at home, but not in studio.Things I Learned Over My Summer Holiday, or Things I Really Learned When I Stepped Back Into Class:1. I’m… Continue reading