Tag Archives: meditation
Meditation Camp
Have you been to a meditation camp before? Having just returned from a five day version, I’d like to summarize the effects for you. This will come in handy if you decide to go yourself. It will also be useful… Continue reading
Leaving the Circus
“We usually don’t look, we overlook.”Alan WattsI’m off to a meditation camp this morning. It’s a good thing. There are days, like today, when I begin to overlook, when landing fully and immediately in the moment is something that only… Continue reading
Two Words
Here’s a business idea for someone. In my clinic, we talk some days about having only two words left to say in your life. Maybe your throat is closing permanently, maybe you suddenly find silence far more attractive than words,… Continue reading
Time In, Not Anaesthetized Time Out
A woman came into my clinic this week and shook me up. She’d just returned from a two week retreat/course/mini-sabbatical. It was two weeks of being fed well and looked after while going through some self-discovery process. The kind of … Continue reading
Yoga Zombies

Thanks to yoga zombies for making me fall in love with yoga, and thanks to you for the conversation. Continue reading
Thanks to The Naked Guy
I keep thinking of this naked guy I had a thing with last week. I wish I could see him again. I was at a theatre festival, and I was strung out. By strung out, I mean that I was … Continue reading
Meditate Your Head Off
I shouldn’t be writing this. No question. I should be on a chair at home staring at a speck on the wall. I’ve just come home from a four day meditation retreat. You know the kind. They take your watch, … Continue reading